Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (TERT) - Level 3: Expert
Next Training Date: 12 Dec 2021
Course Summary: Process integration using pinch analysis provides facility and site planners, plant designers, and process engineers with practical knowledge, skills, and step-wise method for the integrated optimal planning, design, and retrofit of processes, facilities, and manufacturing sites to promote industrial symbiosis and achieve triple-bottom-line benefits of minimised utilities (e.g. thermal energy), minimised costs (operating, maintenance and investment costs) and minimised wastes (CO2, gaseous emissions). This Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (TERT) workshop covers our copyrighted and patented trademark technologies on Process Integration Based On Pinch Analysis that delves deep into process operation covering furnaces, reactors, separators, heaters, coolers, and heat exchanger network retrofit. |
Past Projects:The industrial sector accounts for about one-third of the global energy consumption, with up to 50% of energy ultimately lost in the form of waste heat in hot exhaust gases, in cooling water, and on heated surfaces and products [US Department of Energy]. Recovery of thermal energy from waste heat presents the biggest cost-saving opportunity for energy efficiency improvement in the industrial sector.
Course Objectives
Reasons to Join:If you are an energy manager, energy auditor, or energy service company.
If thermal energy is the leading energy cost in your manufacturing site.
Training FlowThis TERT course consists of 4 levels, participant can attend all levels at their respective dates to receive the Certification for Thermal Energy Recovery.
“In the light of Pinch Analysis development, process plants should consider, retrofit beyond energy audit”. ”
““I personally appreciate the practical case studies and work sessions and the software/program developed by PROSPECT of UTM ”
““A very useful tool to redesign or troubleshoot heat exchanger/ water network to save utility cost” ”
““An efficient technique for analysis and reduction of utilities leading to significant savings” ”
““I am impressed on the power of pinch for energy and utility reductions” ”
TERT level 1 is the first level of certification out of four for you to become a thermal energy recovery expert in the industry.
(1) 5.0 average ratingTERT level 2 is the second level of certification out of four for you to become a thermal energy recovery expert in the industry.